Mouths of babes

Conversation with Zoe today

She told me, “I’ll never forget you.”

“Forget me?”, I asked concerned.

“Yes, if you go away on a long holiday”, she replied.

“Oh”, I said somewhat relieved.

“Or once you’re dead.”


Out of the mouths of babes…

Reaching Rovinj

So, after filling up with diesel at the dockside we headed south for Rovinj. There were loads of sailboats all doing the same thing. Which made a pretty sight. However, we were motoring as we wanted to put the watermaker on and not run the batteries down. We didn’t feel to bad about it though as it was only 20M and close-hauled. It was nice to see all the other boats under sail.

The bay at Rovinj, where we were hoping to anchor free of charge, is full of laid buoys. Which means someone comes and takes payment. We’ll be doing better research online on where the good anchor spots are. We have 2 pilots books with us, Imray, and 777, and they both seem to be a bit behind the times.

Luckily, internet coverage is strong, picking up 4G everywhere, and my Italian data card hasn’t conked out, yet.

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One Reply to “Mouths of babes”

  1. Love these quips!
    No free cheese then? Is it very expensive?
    Getting ready for a big boys birthday, and Carla and look, thinking of you all xx

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