Day before Beau turns seven

Beau’s excited

Today is officially known as the day before Beau turns seven. He is super-duper excited about it. Has he told us? About a million times.

Opa en Oma

We are also preparing for Opa and Oma to come. Boat things needed to be cleaned up, moved around. I even unwrapped the new pressure washer bought in MdR and played with that for a while, it sure beats scrubbing.

In the afternoon we needed to go into town to sort out the best pick-up place for the dingy. On the way we stopped at a Dutch boat anchored up next to us (the only other boat) and asked them for tips. We’re glad we did.

Pula Town

Pula seems to be another place set up for the tourist trade, which hasn’t yet fully kicked in. The restaurant guys getting walk-ins from the passers-by speak the catch phrases (which is exactly what they look like to me – fishermen at work) of at least a dozen languages. The Pula Arena looks breathtaking. Hovering only on the outside to look at the opening and closing times and prices, we left it for when Loek and Carla are here with us.

Back in the evening we were joined by Arthur and Maria from the Dutch boat we’d stopped at earlier, as they arrived with a bottle in hand. In turns out that we have mutual sailing friends in common. We chatted and watch the distant sheet lightening, admiring the light show on the cranes, and drinking wine.

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One Reply to “Day before Beau turns seven”

  1. Auntie Penny says: Reply

    Have fun all together and Happy Birthday again Beau with lots of cake and pop xxx

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