Gran Canaria to Cape Verde

Gran Canaria to Cape Verde 1
On Thursday December 6, we depart from Gran Canaria together with sailing yacht Sorisso. At the same time, our friends on sailing vessels Mrs Chippy, Boag and Nikau leave from different islands in the Canaries. Our destination: Mindelo on the Cape Verde Islands. We have daily contact with all boats via satellite or VHF radio.

Day 1

Rolly start of the trip, motoring into big swell. Zoë was sick. In the afternoon we put the sails up and switch the motor off. Silence…

Day 2

We sailed through an enormous pod of dolphins today. There were hundreds, as far as the eye could see: there they were, jumping into the air and playing on our bow wake.

Day 3

Dancing to Blondie and Iggy Pop in the cockpit to stay awake.

Day 4

Two milestones today: we are halfway to Cape Verde! We crossed the Tropic of Cancer, which marks 22.5 degrees latitude, and that means that we are now officially in the Tropics! I’m putting all our chocolate in the fridge 🙂

Day 5

Devices day. The kids played on the iPads the whole day and I finished listening to my latest audiobook.

Day 6

Fish glorious fish! We finally catch a fish today! A beautiful green-gold shimmering mahi mahi. It was delicious.

Day 7

Land ho! We arrive in Mindelo, Cape Verde. We are tied onto a pontoon in the marina. It was tricky getting in because of the strong wind. But the marineros helped us and we’re here now! Reuniting with our friends here will be so good.

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