On the move again

So we left MdR on Sunday 6 May after spending our second winter there. Shaking off six plus months in a marina is a surreal experience. Suddenly after ages of being in one place the boat is moving. The boat the was once the shape of a house, is once again a house in the shape of a boat.

First stop Siracusa, a pretty little place with history seeping from the walls. I spent a couple of days doing some jobs that should really have been done earlier, like servicing the generator. Boat is going really well now and has taken on the look and feel of a proper liveaboard boat, a.k.a. scruffy and well lived in. We had one mishap when I pulled up the mainsail, forgetting to let down the lazy jacks and catching the sail in the end pole, creating a small rip. The start of the season, and we are all a bit rusty.

THe family is enjoying being out at anchor again, the kids are back in their element swimming off the boat. We caught up with other kid boats Dizzie, Laurin, and Yacht from MdR and the kids enjoyed catching up with their friends.

Today we are headed up towards the heel of Italy. Unfortunately there’s no much wind out there, so a lot of motoring…


4 Replies to “On the move again”

  1. Such a fabulous way of life for you all and so happy to hear harry’s project is looking after you all he was always thinking about you and am sure he’s watching you.Happy safe sailing love to children xxxxx

  2. Kiddies look very well and happy, you two too xxx

  3. tu meke my bro?‍♂️

  4. Auntie Penny says: Reply

    lovely to see you on the move again and ready your blog.
    take care and happy sailing
    Love to you all xxx

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