Scary Weather

Running from the big bad bora

We were caught in some scary weather yesterday. We had read the forecast the night before: wind picking up in the afternoon, with thunderstorms. This particular wind is called the bora, and it tends to blow stronger in the northern Adriatic, where we are now.

The anchorage we were in would not be secure, so we decided to get up early the next morning and sail about 6 miles to a more sheltered bay.

Well, we left early in the morning and got chased by a scary looking double band of black clouds, coming at us in semicircular formation. Thunder and lightning all around. As we neared the bay we couldn’t see a thing through the heavy rain, or hear each other over the howling wind. It was scary, but as soon as we entered the bay, things calmed down a bit. With the anchor dropped and adrenaline pumping, all I could think of was to make a cup of tea…

5 Replies to “Scary Weather”

  1. Goodness , you sent it this way!
    Hope all is quiet now xxxxxxx

    1. Get south as quick as you can!

  2. Auntie Penny says: Reply

    Glad to hear you’re all ok.
    sometimes only a cup of tea will do !!!
    Stay safe xxx

  3. Mamma ( oma ) says: Reply

    Oh wat vreselijk eng, gelukkig is het jullie gelukt om naar een beschermde baai te varen. Alles goed met jullie? Hopelijk waren de kinderen niet erg bang. Dikke knuffel xxx

  4. Gelukkig veilig aangekomen in een beschermde baai. Hopelijk waren de kinderen niet al te bang. Wat eng dat noodweer, gaat het goed met jullie na dit avontuur? Dikke knuffel van ons xxx

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